Sage McVay ?25

Sage McVay

Class Year



Mt. Vernon, Iowa


Theatrical Stage Management


Social Justice

Sage McVay ’25 is a recipient of two theatre scholarships 和一个 academic scholarship. As a major in theatre with a minor in social justice, she has a career goal of entering the workforce as a stage manager at a theatre. 

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“Students should consider being a stage management major because a stage manager is a huge role in the theatre world and is an underrated job. Plus, it is one of the most rewarding fields to go into.”

Sage McVay, ’25

Why Carthage?

“I chose Carthage because I really liked the professors I got to meet, and Carthage had a stage management major, which is rare.”

Faculty mentors

“The faculty in the Theatre Department are always ready to help you out and are continuously trying to make you ready for the world outside of education.”

Favorite class

“My favorite class that I have taken so far was Legacies of Race and Racism in the United States. This class taught me so much that I was not taught in the public school system. Everyone should consider taking that class because it is really eye-opening to the world around us.”

Toughest class

“My toughest class was my Introduction to Business course. I had to take it for my major, and it challenged me because there was so much memorization.”

Campus involvement

“I am a part of Alpha Psi Omega theater fraternity. I am the treasurer of the fraternity, and I have enjoyed my time being a part of this organization because we give back to the department and we donate money to Broadway Cares.”

Golden opportunities

“这 j项, I am stage managing the “Irish Project.” It is a devised theatre show that we are performing in November, and in January, we are taking it to Irel和一个d performing on Smock Ally.”

Internships or campus employment

“I had a paid internship in Minneapolis over the summer for stage management. It was an amazing experience. I worked in a children’s theatre, and it was very interesting to see the difference between working with kids and adults. I also got to work with the production stage manager, and I got to shadow her and learn how to apply the things I’ve learned in college to the real world.”

Favorite spot on campus

“My favorite spot on campus is definitely the red chairs by the Kissing Rock. I enjoy being able to look at the lake and sit out there when it is a nice day or night.”

Biggest surprise

“The biggest surprise for me would have to be the speed at which the opportunities are given on campus. I would not have gotten these opportunities at any other college, and I am so grateful for them.”

What would your 8-year-old self think of you now?

“I think that the younger me would be very excited about the career path I have chosen. I have always been in love with theatre but I have never liked being on stage, so stage management is the perfect major for me. I think she would be happy I found a way to stay involved with theatre and be happy with what I am doing.”